Talk to God and Fix Your Health

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The Missing Link

Part 1 of the new series, “Talk to God and Fix Your Health.” Why do we really get sick and how can we truly heal ourselves?

Genuine Happiness

One day, you can be on top of the world, and the very next hour fall down a deep, dark hole, and have no idea where God is hiding Himself in the big mess called ‘your life.’

Real Solutions to Your Problems

Don’t just cover over your problems, creating a host of new problems in the wake of your attempted “solution.” Fix the problems at their source, and fix them forever...

How Do I Talk to God?!

It could be the first time you’re really giving your inner dimension time to express itself. It’s amazing what you can learn about yourself when you turn off all the ‘noise’.

Time to Change Your Life

You can read a million self-help books and take every class, but you need one thing to take all that information and turn it into something that really changes your life...

Who’s Running the Show?

We all have lots of voices in our head. It’s hard to tell which ones are good or bad, which ones to listen to, and which ones are coming from our “real self.”

Healthy Compassion

When someone can’t truly empathize, they’ll usually find it next to impossible to treat the other person compassionately.

A Lack of Empathy

Verbal cruelty and a lack of empathy are all too common in our culture, but their effects are serious and long lasting...

The Default Option

Your default option is to treat others the way you yourself were treated. If you didn’t experience healthy compassion and empathy, it will be hard to treat others with compassion.

Listen with Compassion

Most people don’t react cruelly on purpose; they never realized that there was a compassionate way of handling their interactions. Let's consider the impact of our words...

Say Sorry

Our society is so mixed up that we often beat ourselves over minor mistakes. We need to say sorry and be accountable for our actions - but which ones?

The Voice of Reason

The following exercise shows you how to develop your own ‘Voice of Reason’, which will help you to start relating to yourself in a more compassionate way.